There is no special event for these pictures except that the kids wanted to get a picture of their monster trucks. They are so funny about them!! I could empty the toy box out and leave only the trucks and they wouldn't even notice.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Today is the Day!!!
There is no special event for these pictures except that the kids wanted to get a picture of their monster trucks. They are so funny about them!! I could empty the toy box out and leave only the trucks and they wouldn't even notice.
Friday, June 20, 2008
This is it!!
We love Shea and we are so blessed to have her here. She has a sweet spirit that is ready to learn. We are having a great time learning together. Shea is anxious to get baptized. We will start the missionary lessons soon. She is already excited to turn 12 so she can go to YW and girls camp. She always wants to go with James mutual. With all the great summertime youth activities this year who could blame her??
Sister wanted a mohawk but the majority vote won and she had to keep all of her beautiful hair!! -- of course you will not see a picture of Shea---she was in the back all day swimming!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Our Weekend in Heber
I really wish all young women could be like Kati when it comes to picking a young man to marry!! Great Story!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Father & Son's Outing May 16th & 17th
These are our 2 photographers. Joey and Jordan...Jordan seems to be alittle more serious about taking pictures than Joey. We give him the camera and he is gone until the battery is used up. He has even done a few movies.
This is my favorite shot. Jordan is just hanging out by the fire....I'm sure the thought came to him - why not take a shot of my boots?
These are my favorite shots...look at all the sleeping that is taking place. Jesse - he cant take an afternoon without a good nap. Jordan is the same way if they are playing they are ok but when the just sit around the heavy eyelids take over.
James stopped off at a park for some reason on the way home and the kids got to ride a horse. They loved it they came home and told me all about riding a horse while they were camping. They had a great time.
James has been great to take the kids everywhere - like right now he went up to the shooting range to get some shells and he took everyone. I'm almost home alone. He has been an amazing dad!! I've laways loved seeing him with little people but he is different with these. He is past being in love with them. Samantha has him wrapped around her little finger. He is patient with them. He loves spending time with them. He is always taking them for a ride to "give me a break" I know he is having fun with them. He always says I'm guilty of letting them get away with everything BUT it is James who gets them a treat whenever they go somewhere lets them stay up way past their bed time and who lets them eat whatever - whenever and they own the house when I'm gone!! I'll tell you what is happening...I'm seeing a side of him that - until now was not exposed like it is now and I love seeing him with our litte family - that is heaven to me!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Everybody was kun fu fighting Jesse's favorite pose.