I'm not going to mention how long it's been or how often I've sat here reading other blogs while I could have been updating my own I will just say I have missed writing and posting pictures because I also like to look at my blog and remember... I've had so many great things to blog about and I have been wondering where to start.. So I've decided to start with my favorite thing and work backwards...

We chose National Adoption Day because it was so close to the time Jaxon would be adopted we decided we wanted to have a date set.....Our amazing Attorney, K.Pidgeon is on the board that organizes this day for Phoenix and really got us excited about going to the "carnival" of NAD. There was everything there for kids. Snacks #1 on our kids list, games. face painting, a blow up basketball game, tattoos, popcorn, ice cream, cake, crowns for coloring, balloons, the Suns gorilla, and the Cardinals mascots were there. It was a great day for the kids and one that will help them remember when we adopted Jaxon. I'm glad we chose that day!!

They even had a photographer there to take a family picture....it is the first one we have had done like that. I love it!!
This morning we got up extra early for a Saturday and dressed all the kids up and hopped in the red car and drove down to the Durango Court House. We have been anxiously awaiting this day for about a year now. Our little Jackie Chan is officially Jaxon James Ziegler. What a great day for all our family. It was great to have our family there to support us.
As we were going through the process of the morning everyone kept saying "oh you know all about this you've done this before". The truth is it felt like the first time and all the emotion and overwhelming gratitude was right there. I still cannot believe our little family. I like to look into their rooms at night as they are sleeping and watch their little spirits sleep - they are beautiful - they have amazing personalities, they are anxious to learn, they are so loving - I still can't get over when one of them says out of the blue - for no apparent reason - "I love you so much mom" - This only confirms my belief that they are straight from heaven!!