Our trip to the zoo was a couple of weeks ago but it sure was fun. It was a foster care thing so we went. They had a BBQ and that's it. We went and ate and then started our hike through the zoo. Well we got to see some birds, the bears, the elephants, the monkeys, and the kids were done. No lions or tigers, or zebras etc. What we did spend 3 hours doing is playing in the water area. Who ever thought of that was brilliant!!! The kids got in dressed and everything. next time we go I'll remember it is there. They did take a fun family shot. This was 30 min into the zoo trip...notice how exhausted the kids look already.
It was hot!! Jordan was done before he even got started.
You can see that Jesse is more interested in the Jeep than getting his picture taken.
This was the end!!! Jordan couldn't take it any longer. But if you've been to the zoo lately you know that just around the corner is the water thing. Heaven!
Jesse was so excited when he saw the water but he stood at the edge of it for at least 20 minutes before he would get in.
He is so stinkin cute!!
We can't ever go to the zoo again without getting a blue snow cone - nice lips
Sister didn't want to have anything to do with the water so she played in the sand the whole time and loved every minute of it. She got it in her hair, in her shoes, in our shoes, all over the boys she was in heaven.
Jesse got into the water finally but not for long before he got out to get a snack.
Do you love the swim suits? First of all see the cute tush in red running? that is Joey he needs a pinch! Shea is the one with her head cut off - give me a break among all the other new things I am just learning I have added -picture taking - the problem is not the picture taker it is the picture takees. They never sit still they never look together they are always looking somewhere else they don't even look when you call their name.
Wet and chilled...Just how Joey likes it.
Jordan is our water hater to say the least he doesn't like to take a bath, get his face washed, or even get splashed so I was glad to see him have so much fun in the water I don't think he got enough of it!!
This is a funny video - Jordan had sand up in his diaper.