The Ziegler Family May 2008
We had an amazing weekend with the family... we took our chances that no one would get too car sick, home sick, tired, cranky, restless, or stinky, and we headed to Utah (thank goodness it was southern Utah!!!!!!!) We went to Sarah's Graduation from SUU and it was Austin's Baptism. We had so much fun!! The drive up was perfect for about 1hour. Then we had to pull over and I had to switch to the back seat to help calm some very tired people. We didn't leave till late so the kids would sleep. It worked once they finally went to sleep. We got there about 3:00 am.
I love Cedar City it is a beautiful place to visit. We stayed in a beautiful cabin that Jay just bought it was fun for the kids. there was a pond in the back with fish in it, the kids hiked around, we spent most of the days at Jay and Shauna's so the kids could play together. They have a trampoline so our people were in heaven.
Do you like how Jordan is having a fit!! He wanted to hold the balloon in the picture.
I love Cedar City it is a beautiful place to visit. We stayed in a beautiful cabin that Jay just bought it was fun for the kids. there was a pond in the back with fish in it, the kids hiked around, we spent most of the days at Jay and Shauna's so the kids could play together. They have a trampoline so our people were in heaven.
Cousin Jordan wasn't interested in taking the picture either. Everyone survived:)
We saw all kinds of farm animals, horses, cows, sheep, chickens, donkeys, every time we passes a field of sheep we would here sheeeeeeeep from the back of the car - that is funny they also do it when they see a train - traaaaaaaaaaain all in unison.
which was perfect for me because the tub had to be so full for the jets to work that it came
up to sisters chin...Shea was in heaven!! She was such a life saver!! she was the resident life guard when I got the kids out to dry them off.
How cute are these little people!! Joey, Jesse, and Shea they loved the tub and the suds.
Joey and Jordan have become great photographers....I'll add some of their pictures tomorrow.
1 comment:
Darling friend-this blog is wonderful. Well done. I'm so grateful that I'll be better able to keep track of you and this fantastic, growing family. I'm so happy for you. I love you!!
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