Saturday, September 20, 2008

Shea Lee's Baptism day...

It's Rhonda again.. I was just downloading some pictures on my computer and realized I had one of Shea on her baptism day.. Leah has all the rest that were taken that day so we'll have to get them from her and post some more.. (I stopped in the middle of playing prelude to take this one...)
The day turned out fabulously. Besides her family being there, she invited her teacher from school who came. (her teacher told us she asked her as she was running out the door one day- sounds like our "on the go" Shea) Her cousins Vanessa & Jordan did a fantastic job with the talks and the primary room was filled with people showing their love and support of Shea.
Shea asked Kent to perform the baptism and James confirmed her on Sunday.

Kent & Shea Lee Shreeve on her baptism day- Sept. 6, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Watch out Temple Here we come!

I'm sure that all kids are perfect when they are at the temple but we'll be bringing 5 and just today they managed to get into Shea's markers and permanently tattoo themselves so I hope the temple's children's room has padded walls with nothing to break or write on permanently.

Thanks to Rhonda my personal blogger who updated my blog (which by the way you can do anytime!!) We are all legally a family. The little kids are getting used to saying their names with Ziegler as the last name. I love it!! I loved our day in court. It was so nice to have such amazing support from family and friends. We love you!! Thanks for sharing that day with us!!

An Invitation

To all of our friends and loved ones....We want to invite you to our family's sealing Saturday Sept. 27 at 11:15 in the Mesa, AZ Temple. We want you to be part of our family miracle. Our day won't be the same if you're not there. There will be plenty of room for you in the temple.... we have the big room and you've heard of the story of the loaves and fishes..... It will work out.
We would also love for you to join us afterwards for lunch. We've reserved a room at the HomeTown Buffett on Scottsdale Rd (Scottsdale Rd just south of McDowell on the east side of the street.) We would really love for you to join us so we can catch up and visit!! We'll be done in plenty of time for all of our beautiful sister friends to attend the General Relief Society Broadcast - I know I don't want to miss it!!
I did make a beautiful invitation...just one and I took a picture of it and I'll post it sometime soon so you can see your invitation. We are still waiting on a family picture. I could use the one we took at the zoo but I don't think that would go so great with the invites.
We love you,
Shea-Lee Ann Shreeve
Joey James Ziegler
Jordan James Ziegler
Jesse James Ziegler
Samantha Maria Ziegler

Saturday, September 13, 2008

We're Official!!

OK- so Myrna's been super busy lately so I'm going to update her blog with some of the stuff I put on my blog since it was about her and her family So... here goes.. (ps this is Rhonda)
So, now it's official. Myrna & James are the proud parents of 5 children. Shea kept her name the same and the rest of the kids just had their last names changed. We went out to lunch afterwords at Shea & Grandma & Grandpa Shreeve's favorite restaurant.. Home Town Buffet. It was a fantastic day and fun to see so many people there to support the event. (Leah, Kent, Roy & Harrison, Rhonda Adam, Grandma & Grandpa Ziegler, Stacie & Jordan, Shea's grandparents the Lindquists, and Grandma & Grandpa Shreeve. There wasn't a seat left in the small courtroom.)

Now for the best part... PICTURES!

Shea Lee, Samantha, Jessie, James, Jordan, Joey, Myrna with Judge Thomas Kaipio in the courtroom after the adoption.

Are we done taking pictures yet??

Joey & Samantha - look at those grins!

Samantha with Grandma & Grandpa Shreeve @ their favorite restaurant
Jessie & Leah
Samantha "Sister" hangin' out at Home Town Buffet

Jordan- eating red jello with his fingers.
James & Jessie James (Father & son- how awesome is that!)
Shea Lee & Grandpa Shreeve- thoroughly enjoying eating at their favorite restaurant
Sister & Myrna (mother & daughter... the story just keeps getting better & better)
Shea Lee & Leah
Jessie- couldn't you just eat him??
(well literally you probably could- 1/2 of his lunch is on his shirt and face.)
Joey- look at that smile! Jordan- LOVEs to have his picture taken
Sister with the ice cream cone she licked about 5 times then gave to Grandpa

favorite songs