Saturday, September 20, 2008

Shea Lee's Baptism day...

It's Rhonda again.. I was just downloading some pictures on my computer and realized I had one of Shea on her baptism day.. Leah has all the rest that were taken that day so we'll have to get them from her and post some more.. (I stopped in the middle of playing prelude to take this one...)
The day turned out fabulously. Besides her family being there, she invited her teacher from school who came. (her teacher told us she asked her as she was running out the door one day- sounds like our "on the go" Shea) Her cousins Vanessa & Jordan did a fantastic job with the talks and the primary room was filled with people showing their love and support of Shea.
Shea asked Kent to perform the baptism and James confirmed her on Sunday.

Kent & Shea Lee Shreeve on her baptism day- Sept. 6, 2008

1 comment:

The Godoy's said...

I loved the Ranch!! and yes..I about died when Rhonda spelled spelt! I laughed...I didn't feel bad about spelling Sanoita wrong! I am so excited about our next girls night fun! I am already having withdrawls!!!! love you!

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