I'm forgetting her being so little.....I'm glad I have pictures.
can you just gobble up these cheeks. She sure has changed this is the first week in Dec 07 what a cutie.
Look how tiny she was next to the boys. Christmas eve 2007

these 2 are from Easter.....it didn't take her long to figure out how to open an egg and it magically had candy in it.
This is our big girl on our new swing.
Today is our little love child's birthday!! She is 2yrs old. I will have to say that every time I think about the time we doubted that we could take another one I get sick to my stomach. She has been so wonderful to have in our home. We can already see that she has a very gentle spirit she cares about her older brothers and sister. She is becoming such a character. She loves to make faces. Her #1 favorite thing to do is sing. I hear her singing all the time either I am a child of God or her ABC's those are her 2 favorites. She loves to have her back scratched which is hilarious to me because she is so little. When I look at pictures of when we first got her I see the biggest change in her. She is such a big girl. She can do everything by herself - or so she thinks she can. She holds her own with her brothers. My favorite thing of all is that she has her daddy's heart. He always says he would take 10 little Samantha's I totally agree with that!! She gets so giddy when he comes home from wherever and she sees him. I love it. I know that she has always been part of our family the same way with all of our slices of heaven. I am grateful for a Heavenly Father that knows us and has a plan for each of us and knows exactly what we need. I could not have picked better children to fit our family so well. We love you Samantha !! Happy 2nd Birthday!!
Love, love, love the pictures! That little girl, ooh, I could just squeeze her.
Thanks for bringing them over last night, it was fun to have them all sing happy Birthday to Dad. Cute little people. I love them!
Holy cow- I totally forgot how little she was when you got her! Dang cute girl. Doesn't stand a chance with everyone squeezing and kissing on her- and wanting to eat her up.
What a little peanut! So cute..how lucky you guys are!!
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