Monday, February 2, 2009

Fantastic Weekend!!

Don't be to shocked that I'm doing what I said I would...posting right after the weekend....I do what I can.
We had a great weekend in small town America!!!! We went to Thatcher for Cannon's blessing. I love small towns. Even though they are small there is always something fun to do. We got in late Friday night so we set up he trailer and got the kids to bed. How great is it to park next to a house with an extension cord!!! I think now we have tested everything on the trailer and it all works air, heater, water heater, generator, running off propane. We had a great time we need to do it more often!! Saturday morning Jon took the kids on a walk to see the roosters and the cows and horses. The little kids were so excited about the roosters they had to show us everyone of them. funny people!! where was the camera?????
Later that morning we went to see Jen and the boys and they invited us to go up the moudin to play in the snow.........we have been talking about taking the kids so we went. Well after far to many miles on a curvy road and thank goodness we had large cups...we like to call them our barf cups. we used 1 out of the 5 on the way up an 3 of the 5 on the way down. we even had to pull over and empty out a couple of them. anyway that was the yuck of the trip. The kids loved the snow except they got way to cold. we didn't plan on the snow so all we really had were the gloves they got for Christmas... and layers and layers of long sleeve shirts. We were not prepared to get cold and wet but we all had a great time after the kids defrosted their toes. We just brought their bags of clothes so they could change everything. If they were dressed warmer Joey and Jordan and Shea could have stayed all day and played they had the most fun. I think we stayed less time in the snow than the drive that it took to get there.......But we are done with the snow for the year!!!!! yeah!! After the snow we got "home" and the kids went to pick pecans and I went to Walmart to buy everyone new shoes and a shower rod for the shower. I thought they would have a better selection than here.....I should have known better (small town = small selections) I got some and the kids couldn't wait for school this morning so they could wear them and show their teachers.

Do you see all the crying here?? this was the best we could do for a family picture in the snow it was too cold and wet and it was nap o'clock.

The blessing on Sunday was beautiful!! There were 3 blessings - Cannon Jonathan Ziegler - he is darling. I didn't even get pictures of him.....I'm still figuring out that I need to take pictures of everything and everyone!!!! I did get pictures of the kids a the park after the blessing. they had great fun!! We didn't stay to long we (more like James) wanted to get back to phoenix early enough for the game. Steph and Trevor had a "party" It was great!! the kids had a great time..they played in the back room with the toys and watched cars the part they loved was all the food they had free access to. You name it they had it - and the kids favorite...little bottles of soda. It was a very busy weekend and we were going, going the whole time but the kids were troopers!! they did great! they are always up for a fun time and an adventure.

Our drive home was uneventful except for the fun going on in the back seats. I had to delete most of them they were blurry and most of them were of Joeys shoes. ha ha.

this is what happens when you give the cameras to the kids in the back seat.

Self portraits - Shea has more than one - Always!!
Sideways Samantha...
these are Joey's shoes...
Jordan's bum...
Blurry Jesse...

We are trying to make sure we don't miss out on anything because there are more of us now. I really want the kids to have great memories of all the things we did as a family. mostly going to visit family and doing things with good friends. I love that they know which cousins live in Utah and which grandma and grandpa is which.....the ones with the pool or the one with a broken arm...funny.

Our most recent discussions at the table have been who is going to baptize them.....I don't know how this came up but the little kids (Joey was first) started naming off his possibles...while I was trying to do the quick math will they be on a mission or not in 2 1/2 yrs. He wavers between (his favorite) uncle Brian and Adam. the other ones say someone different every time. I love how they think about it so much. They know that when they go to the stake center that is where Shea got baptized. They are cute and it is fun to see them learning little gospel principles. We have a big week ahead of us. All the kids get to go to the dentist today. Yesterday in church Joey comes to show us his tooth that is "falling out" both his bottom teeth are loose. So going today to the dentist is perfect!! Hopefully he will let the dentist take xrays to see how his top teeth are coming in. Well the house is calling me, I still need to unpack and do camping laundry and get some stuff back into the trailer for our next trip - which I hope will be soon.

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