Monday, January 18, 2010

Short Commercial Break

You know when you are watching a great movie on TV and the commercials come on and they last forever and ever?? this is me right now I'm on a commercial break from updating the last 6 months......these pictures are so fun that I couldn't resist!!
Don't mind the awful back is winter and everything dies...
The other day the 3 little ones and I spent most of the day outside it was so amazing we couldn't help ourselves... so what do the kids head to first?? the dirt pile. so I let them. Jaxon has never been so dirty ever..... he was loving it though.
I'm pretty sure she thinks her hands are clean compared to her dusty dirty pants....I believe that is where she got her name Dusty Britches.

I think everyone should have a dirt pile in their back yard. I have to say that because I do and there is nothing I can do about it anytime soon. It's leftover from when the footer got dug for the shop in the back. The boys (and girls) love the dirt!!!!

This is to much for me!!! He had dirt everywhere. down his pants, down his diaper...... dirt is like sand - it gets everywhere even when that part never touches the stuff. The best part is - he is still so stinkin cute even with the dirt face.

Jesse decided that he wanted to ride a bike with out training wheels..... so Friday he got the little bike and we did it..... now he can start all by himself. He loves it!! The boys went out first thing this morning - they were excited about riding bikes but we have had some amazing rain today so they came back in. We'll have to try again another day with out the mud.
The boys love riding down this little dirt hill Jesse did awesome for his first day learning how to ride a bike without training wheels. Gooooo Jesse!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday Night at the Ziegler's

When I watch this one I can't stop watching Jaxon. He is so serious about which of the 4 keys he is going to play on that piano. I hope they love music when they get older like they do now. Leah found the little ukulele at a goodwill in Gilbert I'm so glad - now I need to find 4 more!!! (Don't forget to turn off the background music)

More of the Friday Night Concert at the Ziegler's

I thought that it would be fun to take a break from updating the last year and add some entertainment/commercial for you....Samantha has asked for a guitar for Christmas ever since we went to the Michael's wedding when Brittany played it - she was in love with the guitar so one day at my favorite mall I found one for 7 bucks so I got it for her for Christmas. She plays it everyday and sings along she is great!! So tonight we had a small family concert alittle singing, dancing making music it was wonderful!!! I had to put this video first because even Jaxon got in on the singing it is so funny when the kids watch it they laugh so hard!! Great night we topped it off with pizza and a movie....a great family night.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Still Catching up......I Need a Blog Overhaul

2009's Summer trips

It may take me a year to catch upon the last 6 months. This is my 3rd entry so if you're trying to catch up on us you'll have to go back to the entry of Jaxon's adoption. Now back to our Summer trips - they were so great after the Grand canyon we went to Cedar city and stayed a couple of days parked in front of Jay and Shauna's house. The kids love to play together...well mine love to play with theirs they talk about them all the time and ask when the next time we are going to Utah!! After a couple of days with them we drove up to Park City to attend Jake and Heather's wedding - I thought for sure I took pictures at the wedding so I'll have to go find some. It was great fun it was a beautiful day for an outside wedding. we stayed there a couple of nights and then drove to Bountiful to stay in James aunt and uncle's driveway (thank goodness for driveways!! - free power and water hook ups) I think that was the highlight of our trip - we went down to Salt Lake to see Temple Square and it made a lasting impression on the kids. Now whenever they see a building that has anything that looks like a steeple it is a temple. We took a tour of the conference center that was fun - taking tours with children under 5 should be ban in the US.....simply because when someone has to take you and show you the stuff it usually means they don't want you to run around and touch everything. That is an impossible task for anyone under 5 that lives in the J&M Ziegler Home. They loved seeing the roof of the center. I am still amazed that if you forget you're on the roof it is just like a garden on the ground. There were some amazing snow clouds to the east that brought some beautiful rain - I love rain anytime, anywhere. Before we went to the temple grounds we had a little lunch on the sidewalk right in front of the conference center it was great it's like a little park with rocks grass and a little stream (aka melted snow) running between the sidewalk and the street. I'm pretty sure that is what heaven is like - minus the tired kids - beautiful weather, beautiful surroundings and the spirit of the temple right there for all to see and partake of. We had fun taking pictures at the "temple spot" better known as the cement slab that all couples stand on with the temple in the background....amazing!

We only had to take about 3 of these to get everyone in the picture looking at the camera....Just look at all of us. It is a miracle to me everyday that we have these 6 amazing children and that they are sealed to us- I'm grateful for people and things around me that remind me to thank Heavenly Father daily for our family...We were ok for 14 years with just the 2 of it is like all that time was a small moment - we could never ever go back to that. I am in love with Heavenly Father's Plan for us!!

Shea, Joey, Jesse, and Samantha - doesn't it look like nap time? Beautiful pioneer wild flowers!!

Tourists!!! Joey, Jordan, Jesse

This is Love Child #6 He was a trooper during this 2 week whirlwind. He go to know the stroller really well. It was a life saver.

This is where we had lunch...we tried to leave some crumbs for the birds to have lunch also. Jaxon was sleeping so he missed out on the kids picture. Isn't it beautiful!!

Conference Center steps after lunch - refueled and ready to go.

When ever I see a picture of Jaxon and he's not right here I want to go and get him and squeeze him tight for along time - but when I do he wants to get down and run for his life...he's a great runner for a 1 yr old. I love his lips and his round face and his crazy hair - which we've cut a couple of times already. I can see already why people want more children.....he is growing up so fast he is definitely not a baby anymore...he is such a boy toddler he loves cars and boy stuff. He is a jokester just like Jesse (heaven will help us!!) he does things and waits till you laugh about it. What makes it more funny is that he is so small. If we had one more girl that would be ok....I'm just saying:)
After SL we went back to CC and stayed a few more days there and went to Jake and Heather's place for a reception there it was nice very casual in their back yard. We loved seeing their home and what Heather had already done to make Jake's bachelor pad into a home. After our great stay in Utah we drove straight home. It wasn't bad. It was a great time together as a family it has been a great memory that the kids still talk about. That is my favorite when I hear then talking about something we have done as a family. I'll be adding more posts soon - All this catch up is getting me in the mood and practice for 2010.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2009 - Where Did It Go (since my last post)??

James got me the greatest gift for Christmas... a digital photo frame where you just stick your memory card from your camera in and you have a slideshow of your pictures...well this year we have used the same card for all our pictures and I stuck it in and it has been heaven remembering what an amazing year we have had as a family. We have been so blessed to have amazing friends and family go get together with. We've added a new love child to our family - Jaxon he is Heaven!!! It is great to watch these kids grow up and learn things and to discover their personalities and who they are- they are all so different - and they are changing constantly!! We are in love with being parents!! Not perfect parents but parents -- made only through the perfect miriacle of adoption!! (aka: Heavenly Fathers Plan for us)

This was our big trip year We had some great time with James while he was home this summer. We went to the ranch for Memorial weekend and went to Tombstone and took Leah and Rhonda (hand holders) - the kids loved the old town stuff with the horses and old cowboys everywhere. We got our picture one was interested in dressing up till the ladies brought out the guns for them to hold - then they couldn't get the clothes on fast enough. We went to a little shoot out show - It went great till the first cowboy got shot.... they all freaked out because they were shooting at each other and it was loud...all that teaching of not pointing guns at people.. only varmints went out the window - Jesse was bothered the most he started to cry and didn't stop till the guy got up. He still talks about the gun show and that we don't point at people..yeah he is getting it!! It was a cute show.

Samantha wouldn't go near the gun fighters.
Joey and Shea were the only brave ones willing to get their picture taken with the skeleton.

The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon was our next stop. We were on our way to Utah to go to Jake (James brother) and Heather's Wedding. The kids had a great time looking into the great hole in the earth......I on the other hand didn't love the parts without the railing to keep you from falling...seriously!! you can't take 6 kids there without taking 6 adults one for each little energizer bunny!!! We didn't stay long just to take some pictures (to say that we were there) and to have lunch. That was enough for me!!! We took our trailer and spent 2 weeks on the road It was a great time. We camped, we visited, we went to Temple Square, visited more family. We are grateful for our house and that there is enough room for all of us to sit and play and sleep - We love our camper but it is not big enough to live in.

This was the 2nd or 3rd day of our trip and already the kids were tired of being out of their routine. I love little kids memories!! They talk about things in the past and say to me remember? I love it. We are trying to create great family memories for our family so when they grow up it will help them be great people and want to make great memories for themselves.

favorite songs